Special-Shape-WindowsVinyl replacement special shape windows such as round, oval, angels,curved or any other custom shape can turn a simple house into a beautiful home. Whether your style is classic or contemporary, they present virtually endless design possibilities.

What to expect from your FREE In-Home Consultation

Deluxe custom-builds all replacement windows and replacement doors according to your home’s exact needs. In order to provide accurate window and door pricing, a design consultant will meet with you in your home to discuss your replacement needs and provide you with pricing information.

  • Specific-Time Appointments – We schedule window and door appointments at specific times, 6pm as an example, rather than a window of time such as 4pm – 8pm.
  • No Pressure – We’ll listen to your needs and present ideas to help improve the home you love.
  • Custom Assessment – Every home is different. We will inspect your home’s current window situation, identify any unique installation challenges and provide you with an accurate assessment and potential solutions.
  • Options – Our replacement window and door specialists will provide you with both beautiful design options as well as efficient ways to make the most of your money.
  • An Itemized Quote – During your consultation, we will provide you with an itemized quote that will allow you the opportunity to review your options and make the best decision for your home.
  • No Obligation – Your free, in-home consultation is provided to you with no obligation.

Schedule a free in-home consultation with our professional sales representative to choose best options for your home. Call Today: 732 972 1140


To learn more about how Deluxe Windows can help you simply fill out the form below and we will contact you promptly.

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